
Upcoming blogs



Maths Ed (Mar 2023)

Maths Writers

John Casey (May 2020)

John Tyndall (Sep 2020)

 ? (Nov 2020)

Sino (Jan 2021)

? (Mar 2021)

? (May 2021)


Other planned topics:

Irish contributors to the Mathematical Visitor

Irish contributors to the Educational Times

Irish Mathematics grads in Scandinavia

Irish Mathematics grads in Switzerland

Irish Mathematics grads in Hungary

Irish Mathematics grads in Italy

Irish Mathematics grads in South America

Irish Mathematics grads in Central America

Irish Mathematics grads in India

Irish Mathematics grads in Canada

Irish Mathematics grads in NZ

Irish Mathematics grads in Australia

Irish Mathematics grads who became Bishops

Irish Mathematics grads who went into Law

Irish Mathematics grads who worked in meteorology

Irish Mathematics grads who worked as government statisticians

Irish Mathematics grads who went into actuarial science

Irish Mathematics grads who published poetry

Irish Mathematics grads who published fiction

Irish Mathematics grads who became journalists


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